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Oportunidades corrientes

En esta página, encontrará oportunidades durante el inicio de la escuela (incluida la asociación con un docente líder emergente), así como oportunidades para unirse a una escuela existente como docente líder. Si está interesado en iniciar su propia escuela micro Montessori integrada en la comunidad, visite eliniciar una escuela página. Si está interesado en trabajar en The Wildflower Foundation, visite elCarreras página.

Asóciese con un docente líder emergente

Estas son oportunidades únicas para asociarse con maestros líderes emergentes que se encuentran actualmente en el viaje de inicio de la escuela Wildflower. Para postularse y/o obtener más información, comuníquese con las personas que figuran en la descripción del trabajo.

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Co-Teacher Leader

Cleveland, OH, USA

20 nov 2024

An AMS trained Montessori leader, Javin Sain, is working on founding Abundant Love Hosta Montessori School for children ages 2 ½ to 6 yrs in Cleveland, Ohio. She is seeking an experienced Montessori 2 ½ - 6 Guide who would co-found and co-lead the school. The target school opening date is September 8, 2025.

Co-Teacher Leader

Cambridge, MA, USA

21 oct 2024

Ọna Anosike is working on founding a Wildflower Schools program for children ages 3 to 6, with the possibility of growing and serving students from 3-12 in Cambridge, MA. She is seeking an experienced Montessori Guide who would co-found and co-lead the school. The target school opening date is fall 2025.

Co-Teacher Leader

Roanoke, VA, USA

21 oct 2024

Emerging Teacher Leader Addie (Roanoke, VA) is working on starting a Primary program (3-6 year olds) in the Roanoke area. She is seeking a partner who is Montessori primary-trained or Montessori Toddler-trained. An interest in Outdoor Education and a commitment to anti-racism are strongly encouraged.

Co-Teacher Leader

Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA

21 oct 2024

Olea Montessori is an emerging Wildflower School for children ages 1 - 3 in the Bristol county area in Massachusetts and is seeking an experienced Montessori 0-3 Guide who would co-found and co-lead the school. The target school opening date is Fall 2025.

Co-Teacher Leader

Binghamton, NY, USA

21 oct 2024

Heather Frost of Meadowsweet Montessori, an emerging Wildflower School, is working on founding a Primary and Toddler program in the Binghamton, NY area. She is seeking a Montessori 0-3 Guide or 3 -6 Guide who would co-found and co-lead the school. The target school opening date is anticipated for Fall of 2025.

Co-Teacher Leader

East Orange, NJ, USA

21 oct 2024

Adassa Brutus of Birds of Paradise Montessori school is founding a Wildflower School program for children ages 3 to 6 in East Orange, New Jersey. She is seeking an experienced Montessori 3-6 Guide who would co-found and co-lead the school. The target school opening date is September 2025.

Children at Circle Time

Charter School Opportunities 

Primary Teacher Leader

Columbus, OH

17 de marzo de 2025

We are seeking a Primary Teacher-Leader to embark on a journey with Rainbow Montessori Community School-A Wildflower School. Approved to open its doors for the 2025-2026 school year, Rainbow Montessori will bring the time-honored Montessori experience to the Linden neighborhood of Columbus, OH. The role of a Teacher-Leader is both Administrator and Guide, working daily with children and leading your own site operations. With a Lower Elementary teaching partner, you will work together to create and live out your vision of providing high fidelity Montessori programming to amazing children and families. It is an exciting and unique opportunity for the entrepreneurial spirit who wants to define their practice.

Teacher Leader

Grand Valley or Aurora, CO

19 de febrero de 2025

As a Teacher Leader at Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado (WMPSC), you will design, lead, and teach at a new charter school site in the Grand Valley (Mesa County School District 51) or Aurora (Aurora Public Schools District), in partnership with other Teacher Leaders and in collaboration with the Shared Services Partner and other charter-wide support roles. Your site will be one of four interdependent micro-sites that comprise the Grand Valley charter school, also part of a larger statewide charter network. WMPSC Teacher Leaders report to the Board of Directors.

Lower Elementary Teacher Leader

Columbus, OH

17 de marzo de 2025

We are seeking a Lower Elementary Teacher-Leader to embark on a journey with Rainbow Montessori Community School-A Wildflower School. Approved to open its doors for the 2025-2026 school year, Rainbow Montessori will bring the time-honored Montessori experience to the Linden neighborhood of Columbus, OH. The role of a Teacher-Leader is both Administrator and Guide, working daily with children and leading your own site operations. With a Primary teaching partner, you will work together to create and live out your vision of providing high fidelity Montessori programming to amazing children and families. It is an exciting and unique opportunity for the entrepreneurial spirit who wants to define their practice.

Founding Charter Teacher Leader

Across the U.S. (strong preference for Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Washington, D.C.)

27 de agosto de 2024

As a Teacher Leader at a Wildflower School, you will co-found your own public charter micro-school with a partner of your choice. You’ll have the dual role of educator and administrator, which involves direct classroom instruction coupled with leadership responsibilities such as curriculum development, staff coordination, and community engagement. 

Schools joining an existing charter can open in about 12 months, which includes time to define your school's vision, secure a facility, and obtain funding. If a new charter application is required before opening a school, the process may take an additional 12 months to complete.


Community Partnership Opportunities for
Emerging Teacher Leaders

These are local partnership opportunities for Emerging Teacher Leaders. If you are interested in opening a school in these locations and want to learn more, contact the individuals listed in the job description.

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Founding Teacher Leader

Teton Valley, ID

26 de marzo de 2024

In partnership with the Teton Valley Collaborative for Early Learning, Wildflower Schools is inviting Montessori Infant/Toddler or Primary Guides to co-found a Wildflower School program for children whose ages range from 1 to 6 in Idaho’s Teton Valley. The school design includes a main street location with walkable access to the local farm, nature trails, library, town green, and arts center. The target school opening date is September 2025.

Founding Teacher Leader

Philadelphia, PA, USA

29 de febrero de 2024

Wildflower Mid-Atlantic seeks entrepreneurial school leaders to partner with AC Fairhill Academy to open a Wildflower school for children ages 3-6 at the Hope Partnership School in North Philadelphia. The Athletic Club of Fairhill is a youth soccer academy whose mission is to provide programming driven through youth soccer and development for low-income children ages 4 to 16.

Children at play

Join an Existing School

Elementary Montessori Guide or Fellow (French or Spanish Speaking)

San Francisco, CA, USA

13 de enero de 2025

We are seeking a dedicated, benevolent Teacher or Assistant that would like to pursue Montessori Elementary training via school scholarship who is passionate about equity, diversity, community building, teacher leadership and child and family support. You will support the Elementary Classroom, a mixed age classroom currently mostly 5-9 year olds with a 1:12 teacher to student ratio.

Montessori 3-6 English Teacher

Cambridge, MA, USA

3 de junio de 2024

We are seeking a full time AMI-certified Montessori 3-6 English Teacher to join our dedicated team at Violeta, a small bilingual Montessori school committed to supporting the natural development of our children.

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Wildflower no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional o étnico, credo, religión, sexo o género, discapacidad, edad, estado civil, orientación sexual, estatus con respecto a la asistencia pública, o de cualquier otra forma basada en marcadores de identidad personal que no se relacionan con la capacidad de una persona individual para llevar a cabo las responsabilidades de un rol.

La Wildflower Foundation es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) | 1621 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 295 Minneapolis, MN 55414 |

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